Non geographic numbers (NGN)
For many businesses 0845, 0844 and 0870 numbers have been and continue to be very useful. It can be advantageous that the location of the business is not disclosed. Furthermore it eliminates problems of some people who are put off by calling certain city dialling codes.
Franchises, satellite offices, confidential lines, businesses where location is irrelevant and many others all benefit from using such numbers particularly if all the business is within the UK.
All of the virtual numbers Techvolution provides are feature rich giving you significant flexibility how the numbers can be set up. This ensures you are able to be seen in the professional manner you would like, and the system works for you not against you.
08?? numbers do not suit everyone!
- If you are expecting international calls it would be unwise to use any 08 numbers because many countries do not allow them to be called
- If you are looking to provide a good city based and local service, your customers would prefer to see a local dialling code.
- If you are looking to build your business in neighbouring cities like Bristol and Bath, or you want to demonstrate capital city coverage e.g. Edinburgh, London and Cardiff, you would be better served with two and three Virtual Geographic numbers respectively
If you would like more information or would like a quote please contact us
Virtual Numbers
There are four categories of virtual numbers:
- Freephone - e.g. 0333
- Virtual Geographic numbers - e.g. 0117 (Bristol), 0207 (London)
- Non Geographic numbers - e.g. 0845, 0844
- Non Geographic numbers - fee earning such as 0908 etc